Embracing Death through Celebrity Lives: Johnny Carson

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

Continued from page 1

Our individual mentality as human beings, will quite often deliberately confuse our rational with illogical ideas. In other words, our vision field can be easily distorted by what we would 'like' to believe. There's a quote that states, '...There are only two guarantees in life: Death and Taxes.' And logically, this is fact. So how do we embrace death without fear of absolute mortality?

We don't have to allow (our thinking about) death to get inrepparttar way of life. When we empower ourselves to face each day with a positive attitude, in a sense, we are overcoming death. By understanding that in everything, there is a time, and a season - just like green leaves on age-old oaks, we too, will find our season. It is, afterall, our spirit, or essence that is left behind. Our life andrepparttar 132225 sheer vitality that we emit is forever immortal.

While we struggle with daily routines, it is vital to one's wellbeing to findrepparttar 132226 time to reflect and to nurturerepparttar 132227 soul. Involving yourself in things that make your heart feel good, like volunteering at an animal shelter, lending a helping hand or visiting your local retirement center - these are just a few thoughts on nurturingrepparttar 132228 spirit. Because when we give of ourselves, we receive so much in return. And this is what allows us to become spiritually immortal.

Johnny Carson was not 'immortal,' persay, but he immortalized his essence. We didn't necessarily like him because he had white hair or because he had a good physique - we welcomed his humor, his charm, his laughter, his wit, his intelligence. It was our perception of his qualities that made him seemingly infinite. Thus, when we smile, or do nice deeds, we can quietly cherish these moments in lucid reflection. And when we live forrepparttar 132229 moment, our shells may not live forever, but our spirit - just like Mr. Carson - will be etched inrepparttar 132230 hearts and lives of many.

© 2005 Embracing Death through Celebrity Lives: Johnny Carson by C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. Lady Camelot

Read this and other interesting literature like this at www.HolisticJunction.com today.

C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. Lady Camelot Public Relations Director & Staff Writer www.HolisticJunction.com www.MediaPositiveRadio.com


Written by Candas Emcioglu

Continued from page 1

In many hospitals today, patients, who need to have certain tests done to see if they have a specific gene or a genetic disposition for certain diseases, have to pay a royalty fee torepparttar patent-holding company for that specific gene being scanned. For many, having to pay a “fee” to have a “gene scan” of “their own genes” is unacceptable. Althoughrepparttar 132223 medical technology will soon haverepparttar 132224 capacity to screen thousands of genes and genetic predispositions inrepparttar 132225 near future, offering a vast selection of new cures and solutions to various diseases, there is also no doubt that some will use patens to literally extort money from those of us in need of a cure.

If you are diagnosed with a rare cancer and need to be treated with a special type of protein that facilitatesrepparttar 132226 growth of a certain anticancer agent, do not be surprised if you find out that you have to pay a chunky royalty to a company that you have never heard of. You no longer have any rights over your genes or your “own body tissues” as “somebody else” has already claimedrepparttar 132227 intellectual rights to “your” body parts “without” your consent or knowledge.

Inrepparttar 132228 future, we all will have to pay our dues to a syndicate of biotech elites to have access to our own genetic heritage. Life has finally become a commodity that is tradable, inheritable and also extremely profitable.

Born in 1977 and currently resides in Istanbul, Turkey.

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